For the past four years, Indiana’s Family of Farmers invited Indiana State Fair attendees to follow our Recipe Trail. Trail travelers were encouraged to collect recipe cards from locations around the fairgrounds, bring them to the final destination and win a free Indiana’s Family of Farmers item for completing the trail. Last year, more than 3,000 participants completed the trail at the Indiana State Fair.
2014 Recipe Trail
Take part in this year’s Recipe Trail at new locations!
Recipe card locations
Exposition Hall (Rose Acre Farms booth)
DuPont Food Pavilion (3 stops: Purdue, Indiana Beef, Indiana Dairy, Indiana Wine & Grape Council)
Habitat for Humanity Ag House
Indiana Farm Bureau Building
Glass Barn
Normandy Barn
Pathway to Water Quality
Download the Recipe Trail Map
Check out last year’s recipes by clicking here.
The Cain’s: Moose Munch
The Kissell’s: Grandma Kissel’s Chocolate Chip Cookies
Sally Durbin: Grilled Chicken Breasts
Heather Hill: Savory Pork and Pasta
Purdue Pete: Purdue Pete’s Ranch Style Popcorn
David and Helen Forgery: Hearty Potato Soup
Steve and Jane Carr: Mom’s Meatloaf
The Moseley’s: Black Bean and Corn Salsa
Dennis and Jane Whitsitt: Cornbread
The Easley’s: Sweet Barrel Red Sloppy Joes

The Recipe Trail continues to help feed the hungry.
For each person who finishes the recipe trail, Indiana’s Family of Farmers donates one pound of food to food banks in Indiana has through our partner, Feeding Indiana’s Hungry. A total of 8,000 pounds of food was donated last year. |
Partner with Habitat for Humanity
The Habitat for Humanity Ag House on the state fairgrounds will be a stop on this year’s recipe trail. In addition, Indiana’s Family of Farmers is donating a chest freezer and food to fill the freezer to the new homeowner. Thank you to the farmers around the state who grow our food and who generously gave back.
Visit IFOF at the DuPont Food Pavilion
The DuPont Food Pavilion returns to this year’s fair. Along with hourly food demos on the Red Gold Culinary Corner, the pavilion will also feature a retail store with more than 30 Indiana made specialty items available for purchase and a brand new Purdue exhibit!
IFOF is proud to be part of the Food Pavilion all 17 days. Along with the recipe trail, different agricultural groups will be featured at the IFOF booth each day.
If you want even more recipes, visit:
Indiana Beef: http://www.indianabeef.org/council/
Indiana Dairy: http://www.indianadairycouncil.org/dairy-fans_recipes.html
Indiana Pork: http://www.indianapork.com/PorkRecipeFinder/tabid/814/Default.aspx
Don’t miss out on great new recipes or any of the other fun things to do at the 2014 Indiana State Fair! See you there!